On a cold Tuesday in January 1973, the founding of RE/MAX changed the course of history. From that point forward, Dave and Gail Liniger, two young, ambitious professionals, set out to build a new company that would operate differently than competitors and ultimately disrupt the real estate industry as a whole.
Dave and Gail deconstructed the format of a traditional brokerage, identified areas of unfairness, and crafted a brand-new business model that prioritized the professional and financial well-being of the real estate agent as well as the experience of homebuyers and sellers.
Without the Linigers’ vision, it’s tough to say where real estate would be today.
On January 30, RE/MAX Founders Day, it’s not enough to celebrate just the RE/MAX Co-Founders, however. After all, what would RE/MAX be without the agents and brokers who make it what it is?

In 2020, the signature hot air balloon has been flying high for nearly half a century, and the RE/MAX network is comprised of over 125,000 agents. Such a strong community is impossible to create and maintain without the enthusiasm of like-minded business entrepreneurs who share a passion for serving their communities. RE/MAX continues to help agents meet professional goals and achieve personal success.
To honor these RE/MAX entrepreneurs, employees at RE/MAX Headquarters in Denver placed surprise calls to the network throughout the day to express their appreciation.
“Founders Day is a celebration, and there’s no one greater to celebrate than the professionals who make up the RE/MAX network,” says Serene Smith, RE/MAX Chief Operating Officer. “It’s a simple way to show gratitude and wish them well.”
In light of Founders Day, RE/MAX, LLC honors and acknowledges its agents and franchisees and their commitment to helping others for the past 47 years.
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